Monday, July 28, 2014

Reform Movement in Israel – Keeping Busy these Days

Reform movement in Israel – keeping busy these days
“G-d will give strength to the people-G-d will bless all people with peace”: IMPJ Continues its Emergency Effort
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
The war has gone on for two weeks now with a heavy toll of deaths, and injuries in Israel’s effort to defend the cities, towns and rural settlements in the south. The IMPJ is continuing its mobilization to bring relief to the people living under fire. In the last few days and planned till the end of this week we will continue to focus on the following specific spheres of intervention:
Volunteering in Shelters and Emergency Facilities throughout the south- Up to now over 200 volunteers have lead activities in shelters, community centers, and other locations in cities and regional councils throughout the south. These volunteers lead activities and hand out “Activity” packages that include games, books, and interactive fun experiences. Where needed we are also handing out “Food and Hygiene Packages” in shelters. Our volunteers have worked directly with over 1500 people. We will be continuing to facilitate volunteers from IMPJ congregations, mechina alumni (those that haven’t been drafted), and others from our institutions. We have already handed out close to 2000 activity packages.
Recreation and Relaxation Days for Children and Families at our centers in Haifa, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv- Starting this past Thursday and scheduled to continue every day until the crises ends, we are bringing children and families from areas of missile bombardment to our centers for fun and relaxation. Four of these days have already taken place at the Leo Baeck Campus in Haifa with around 50 children each day including a day with Bedouin children from the Negev this past Sunday. Starting later this week groups will be hosted in Beit Shmuel in Jerusalem and in Mishkanot Ruth of Beit Daniel in Tel Aviv.
Hosting of Families with special needs in our Movement Locations- Families with special needs children and adults from areas impacted by the crises have a more urgent need to be taken out of the constant sirens, moving to shelters, and pressure. Therefore our two Reform Kibbutzim along with Beit Daniel in Tel Aviv and Beit Shmuel in Jerusalem will be hosting special needs families from weak economic backgrounds. Up to now we have arranged for 100 such families to be hosted and this number will be increased over the next few days.
Cultural and Spiritual Care in Frameworks for Emotionally Challenged- The IMPJ was asked by the Ministry of Health and by many municipal welfare departments to bring educators, cultural coordinators and song leaders to closed frameworks for Emotionally Challenged people to help them deal with the crises. We created three teams of Rabbis, song leaders, and facilitators for this purpose and have begun daily visits to facilities in Kiryat Gat, Beer Sheva, Kiryat Malachi, and Ashkelon where we lead cultural events, singing, and discussions to help relieve stress and build resilience.
It is important to note that in addition to all of the activities listed above that we are involved in our congregations and communities also have to cope with the situation. This is especially true of our communities in Gedera, the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council, and in Beer Sheva. All of these communities are dealing themselves with the stressful and dangerous situation every moment of the day and night. A good example of this is the activity of our student Rabbi in Sha’ar HaNegev Yael Karrie who every day leads activities with elderly, participates in the regional emergency center, has reached out to Bedouins in Rahat, lead Shabbat services and is a model for initiative and tireless effort during the crises.
We want to make special mention of the support from our communities throughout the world and the fact that our North American partners from the URJ and all the other arms of our movement are partners in the JFNA “Stop the Sirens” campaign which is providing the IMPJ with funds to help us carry out all the activities described above.
We continue to pray for peace.

Letter from the Leadership of the Israel Reform Movement to the new President of the State of Israel Reuven Rivlin
Thursday, July 24, 2014
26 Tamuz, 5774
July 24, 2014
Mr. Reuven Rivlin
President of the State of Israel
Your Excellency President Rivlin
Re: Congratulations on your Presidential Inauguration
In the name of the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism (IMPJ), its communities, rabbis, leaders and friends, we wish to congratulate you on being sworn in to the distinguished position of President of the State of Israel. Our heartfelt congratulations to you and your family; we pray that your presidency fulfills your expectations, together with the expectations and hopes of all Israeli citizens and world Jewry of all different groups and communities.
We have no doubt that the joy of this occasion is tainted by the difficult events the country has been facing in recent weeks. The distress of residents in southern Israel, together with those across the country, the intense fighting of IDF soldiers, and above all – the unbearable pain felt by the families of those killed, surely darken the festivity of the occasion. However, these events also help make clear the importance of this office and its contribution to the sense of civil and national strength and social solidarity. The fact that the changing of the guard in the president’s office is taking place in the midst of battle and war signifies the strength of Israel and its sovereign, democratic institutions.
It is in light of this, and the important official and educational role you now hold as president, that we turn to ask that you already begin restraining the negative winds blowing in the “Israeli street” in recent weeks from different directions. These winds carry with them tempestuous, violent, and in many cases, racist messages, and are harming the tenuous and complex fabric of relations between the Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel. The harm this is causing is felt within the Jewish public and in the freedom of public discourse – the breathing air of a democratic society. We regret that these winds express themselves not only in the margins of public discourse but rather in all of its spaces and arenas – from leading websites to the Knesset building and the words of its members.
Throughout your entire tenure as Chairman of the Knesset, before and after you waved the flag of Israeli democracy with parliamentary pride and courage. We have no doubt, that alongside the difficult task of consoling mourning families and strengthening the spirit of Israeli citizens, you have the power to contribute greatly in setting both value-based and public “red lines” which are not to be crossed even in complex and difficult times. We believe that in light of these moment’s challenges, this is the time to strengthen the democratic spirit of Israeli society, and insist on instilling the “basic principles of justice, freedom, and peace in the vision of the prophets of Israel,” as stated in Israel’s declaration of independence. We know that you hold these tasks dear to your heart, and we therefore ask that you work to achieve them from the beginning of your service in this prestigious office.
Together with millions of friends in Reform and progressive communities around the Jewish world, in the name of G-d we congratulate you: “Blessed is he who shares his wisdom with those surrounding him.” “May God give strength to his people, may God bless him people with peace” (Thilim 29)
Wishing you great success,
Reuven Marko
Chair of IMPJ Board of Directors
Rabbi Gilad Kariv
Executive Director, IMPJ
Rabbi Prof. Yehoyada Amir
Chair of MARAM – The Israel Council of Reform Rabbis