Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Time To Love

"A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace," (Ecclesiastes 3:8)
The following words when written in Hebrew, share the same root, with meanings both obvious and subtle: soldier, dreamer, compassionate, forgiveness and merciful.
The mosaic of one's personality may include the warrior, compassion and forgiveness.  Together, they may balance one another. So be it in throughout Israel and the entire region. Once in balance, we will be able to dream and led (based on writings of the poetess, Rivka Miriam)!
Haim Gouri is a renowned Israeli poet, novelist, journalist, and filmmaker who achieved fame with his coverage of the 1961 Eichmann trial. The following is a quote from his timeless 1949 poem, "A Prayer":
                Bless the young men, because it's time...
                Bless them as they set out for war. Bless their weapons so they won't err,
                Bless their homes, this​ people, their young men and fighters,
                Until the battle is done.
"Oseh shalom bim'romav, hu ya'asheh shalom aleynu, v'al kol Yisrael, V'Imru Amen".  
May the one who makes peace in Heaven, make peace for us and for all Israel and all humanity and let us say, Amen.