Who incites more
Palestinian hatred: Abbas or Netanyahu?
Their textbooks
may sometimes preach hatred, but it is the humiliation of occupation that
creates the most Palestinian rage against Israel .
Benjamin Netanyahu recently
denounced “incitement” to hatred as one of the key obstacles to
Israeli-Palestinian peace. “It all starts with education,” added Defense Minister
Moshe Ya'alon. They were talking about Palestinian incitement, of
course. But it got me thinking.
In 2012, former Shin Bet head Yuval
Diskin warned that, “Over the past 10-15 years Israel has become more and more
racist. All of the studies point to
Sadly, he’s correct. Last year,
according to the respected Israeli Democracy Institute, 48 percent of Israeli
Jews said living next to an Arab family would bother them. In addition, 43
percent want the government to encourage Arabs to leave Israel . A
majority thinks important government decisions—not only on security, but even
on economic and social issues—should require a
Jewish majority. A Haaretz poll last August of Jewish Israeli 16 and
17 year olds found that 42 percent would object to having an Arab teacher.
What explains these hateful answers?
Maybe it’s incitement?
A while back, I tried out the theory
on an American Jewish hawk. I mentioned that there’s a public park in Hebron named for the notorious racist
Meir Kahane, which includes the grave of Baruch Goldstein,
who murdered 29 Palestinians in 1994. There’s a moshav, a postage stamp and various streets named for David Raziel, who
masterminded a July 6, 1938 attack in which Irgun operatives placed bombs in Haifa ’s Arab market,
killing 23 people. Many Israeli students attend schools run by Shas, whose
spiritual leader, the late Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, called Palestinians “snakes,”
Arabs “evildoers,”
Islam “ugly” and
declared that “goyim are born only toserve us.”
Many Israeli textbooks no longer show the Green Line.
When I presented this theory to my
hawkish interlocutor, he looked at me like I was crazy. He didn’t deny the
accuracy of my examples. He didn’t even deny that many Jewish Israelis dislike
Palestinians and Arabs. But he explained, in the exasperated tone of one
explaining something blindingly obvious, that this hostility stems not from
postage stamps, textbooks or the statements of famous rabbis. It stems from the
trauma of everyday life. Did I really not understand the second intifada’s
impact on average Israelis: the horror of not knowing if the bus you step into
will suddenly blow up; the anxiety of wondering if your kids will come home
safe from the pizza parlor? Did I not realize that for the people of southern Israel , traumatized by rocket fire from Gaza , this suffering
continues? Could I not see that if many Israelis, regrettably, harbor hostile
feelings toward Palestinians, those feelings stem from the most powerful
incubator of all: lived experience.
My hawkish acquaintance was right.
Right about Israeli hatred and right about Palestinian hatred too.
Let me be absolutely clear: I agree
with Netanyahu that Palestinian textbooks and media too often justify hatred,
and even violence, toward Jews. I too am appalled when Palestinians publicly
glorify suicide bombers or traffic in anti-Semitic stereotypes. I think America should push Israel and the Palestinians to
restart the “anti-incitement” committee established in 1998 to monitor violence-inducing
speech. And I don’t consider Israeli and Palestinian incitement
equivalent. There’s good evidence, for instance, that Palestinian textbooks are
more hostile to Israel
than the other way around.
But despite all this, Netanyahu’s
new focus on incitement largely misses the point. I’ve met many Palestinians
who hate Israel .
But I’ve never met one who attributes that hatred to street signs or textbooks.
Instead, they talk about parents evicted from their homes, cousins jailed,
lands taken, travel permits denied. One Palestinian friend, born inside the
green line, told me about being unable to live with his West Bank-born wife
inside Israel .
Another told me that her husband, born near Bethlehem , has five brothers, all of whom
have been shot by Israeli soldiers. I’ve lost count of the number of
Palestinian, Arab and Muslim acquaintances who have recounted humiliating
experiences at Ben
Gurion Airport .
In my experience, at least, Palestinians explain their anger toward Israelis in
roughly the same way my hawkish acquaintance explained Jewish anger toward
Palestinians: as the product of bitter, personal experience.
Benjamin Netanyahu can do something
about that. Channel 10 recently reported that over the second half of last
year, Israel
increased its budget for the settlements tenfold. That means countless, fresh
Palestinian stories of suffering and fury. When it comes to combatting the
incitement that leads Palestinians to hate, Netanyahu need not wait for Abbas.
He can start with himself.